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Victorian Incursion Giveaway Winner - Another Impressive Arts Teacher

23 October 2015

Rosalie has been teaching 17 years at Gladstone Park. She seems incredibly enthusiastic about her work. Singing is a big thing there because of her. She has a number of choirs for different year levels and one that's audition only. The choirs get out and sing regularly in the community and the whole school will be involved in the national Count Us In next week. There is also a string program, but she regretfully said the students had to pay for that because they had to get in and another teacher to share the that load. I guess that's the advantage of singing.

There wasn't a music performance in our giveaway, so she chose the Cookbook because of it's links with literacy. It was a great decision.

How did it go? Rosalie said it couldn't have been better .She said she "loved the performance- it was so good to see our children really engaged in a creative way with language- English is not the first language for so many families here but it was very accessible for them.'

Students: She said the students had loved it and remembered so much. She said their responses would go into their portfolios so their parents can get an insight into what they did. (More on this to come as she sees the classes for music this week) 

Staff: She said "Staff feedback was very positive- lots of talk in the staffroom at lunchtime. The P-2 Co-ordinator wants to look at having an incursion next year!!"  

For Rosalie, the free incursion was a great opportunity to demonstrate how the arts can be a catalyst across the curriculum. And she's taking the success of this incursion and hoping to build on it to the whole school's advantage.

Watch Rosalie's response to the show on our Facebook Page.

Subscribe to Shows For Schools so you can be in the running for next year's free incursion. There will be a choice for both Primary and Secondary schools.

Our thanks to Suzi Cordell and the whole team at Regional Arts Victoria. Check out RAV's 2016 Schools and Families Program here.

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