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Benefits of giving up your devices

23 February 2018

Researchers  studied a small group, only 50 people, who don't use smart phones or social media and asked them why. (Maybe there are only 50 in the UK!)

They saw three benefits

1. Spending time with others.

Actually being in the same physical space and interacting.

2. By switching off, they are not missing out.

Being connected on social media can be exhausting and be superficial. This group said they felt their connection to people and their world was deeper.

3. Being rather than doing.

Allowing the mind to reset and relax. To be prepared for stressful times. Constantly being on devices gobbles up spare time, while the blue light they emit can interfere with restful sleep.

I don't know how realistic it is to expect people will switch off their phones, but undoubtedly we'd all be better off if it wasn't a contstant activity.

Read the article here

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