It was a fabulous show and the girls were on such a high after it. They asked me if I "could book you in every lesson"!!!!MLC
The plot of CAPTAIN SPAVENTA AND THE DOWRY DENIED is based on a classic theme from the Commedia dell'Arte tradition: the love of the young protagonists, Flavio and Isabella, thwarted by the extravagant decisions of the old men.
The show features as many as 9 characters and is structured to show students the basic characteristics of each of them, embedded in an easy-to-follow and entertaining plot.
Based on our experience and artistic choice, the show is largely improvised, but also features finished parts with physical and verbal "lazzi", duels and singing parts.
As all our shows CAPTAIN SPAVENTA AND THE DOWRY DENIED is enriched by the use of Renaissance costumes, original masks and hand painted set design.
The show is in English with a few Italian expression. The stock characters speak in English emphasizing their original Italian regional accents. At a fast pace, the following characters take the stage: Dottor Balanzone expert in everything and nothing, Flavio the unlucky lover, Colombina the only one with a functioning brain in the story, Brighella the cunning and unscrupulous inn keeper, Pulcinella the symbol of the city of Naples, Capitano Spaventa braggart and coward, Arlecchino who needs no introduction, his master Pantalone the greedy Venetian merchant and his daughter, the elegant Isabella.
Not only is the show informative but most of all, fun for students and teachers alike.
Performance Space
CAPTAIN SPAVENTA AND THE DOWRY DENIED does not require technical supports. We do, however, require that the performance space be clean and free of clutter and that the backstage area be visually protected from the outside. We require access to the space 90 minutes before the start of the show for set up of costumes and backdrop.
To make a booking or enquiry, simply press the GREEN Enquiry/Booking Request Button above right to directly contact the booking team. They will answer you promptly to discuss your booking including when payment will be required.
Shows for Schools not only gathers all the great available shows, it also makes booking easier!