Henry IV (Part 1)

Presented by Seymour Centre
 Henry IV (Part 1)
"The director's understanding of Shakespeare's plays and their timeless and universal qualities is evident in the production's creative choices."
Lee Wall, English Teacher at Moruya High School
"The most brilliant Shakespearean play I have ever seen."
dam Saleh, English Teacher at Pacific Hills Christian School

After a sell-out season, Sport for Jove returns with – Shakespeare’s Henry IV (Part 1) – played in an extraordinary medieval globe-like setting, it is an unmissable experience.

Redemption? Disgrace? Honour? Legitimacy? Love? Glory? What sort of world do the young inherit from the old, and what should we fight for? What makes a truly great leader? Henry IV (Part 1) is a play made for our time.

Shakespeare looks back at history to imagine his nation’s future and turns an immense and kaleidoscopic national lens on the most simple and human of relationships – the family.

The play is moving, funny and thrillingly chaotic, swaying on a tightrope of irrational thought and behaviour trying to maintain its sanity and balance. It tumbles from conniving politics to saturnalian madness as people at every level of English society grasp for power, notoriety, fame and loyalty from those around them.

It is Shakespeare having an absolute ball with what theatre can be and is one of the world’s greatest studies in courage, crime, the nature of rebellion and the challenge of living up to our responsibilities.

It is a must-have experience for young people studying the play.

The production includes a detailed 20-minute lecture on the play by director Damien Ryan and Q&A with the students to deepen their relationship with the work.

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Image credit: Dowling and Dowling Designs


To make a booking or enquiry, simply press the GREEN Enquiry/Booking Request Button above right to directly contact the booking team. They will answer you promptly to discuss your booking including when payment will be required.

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Show Details



Year Level Suitability

10 - 12

Curriculum area

The Arts - Drama English




Approximately 150 minutes including a 20-minute lecture, 15-minute interval and a 15-minute optional post-show Q&A.


$33 per student. One teacher free per 10 students; $33 for each additional teacher.


Seymour Centre
Chippendale NSW


Term 1


Mon 24 Mar at 11:30am, Fri 28 Mar at 11:30am and Wed 2 Apr at 11:30am

PRESS the green button to directly contact the booking team!