Balloon Science

 Balloon Science
 Balloon Science
 Balloon Science
 Balloon Science
 Balloon Science
 Balloon Science
 Balloon Science
Wicked, Amazing & Weird!...It was really funny. I learned heaps about Science as well.
Students Henry Fulton P.S NSW
Students were completely engaged and very excited and enthused about science after the performance
Brooke Murray Montpellier P.S VIC

This show is designed to be Fun, Fun, Fun with Preschoolers and P-2 in mind. During the show oozzing bubbles are made, spooky fog drifts around, Milo containers pop their lids and measuring cylinders change a rainbow of colours. As the name suggests Balloons are also used in a myriad of ways from hydrogen explosions, to spinning balloon helicopters to even a Balloon in a Bottle race. The kids will be laughing at the silly antics of Rusty the Robot and the Jolly Professor as they produce a colourful and funny show. Action based songs are used as well to keep the kids fully involved. This show can be easily adapted to suit Preschool audiences, a little more pantomime and a couple of more songs. Bring Science alive.

Post show workbooklets and our interactive CD of Science songs are also given with our visit to your school or Preschool.

Check out how SFS liked Jollybops Science here
Sensational,funny,awesome,exciting,hilarious and cool, were some things our student said after the shows. Great Job.
Annie McArthur St Clare of Assisi ACT


To make a booking or enquiry, simply press the GREEN Enquiry/Booking Request Button above right to directly contact the booking team. They will answer you promptly to discuss your booking including when payment will be required.

Shows for Schools not only gathers all the great available shows, it also makes booking easier!

Show Details



Year Level Suitability

P - 2

Curriculum area





1 hour


$7 per student + GST


Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4


Vic, NSW, ACT & Qld Indoor performance space and two tables We provide professional sound, props and backdrop.

PRESS the green button to directly contact the booking team!