Workshops That Work

 Workshops That Work


Workshops that Work Pty Ltd promote Mental Health & Wellbeing, SEL (social & emotional learning) Specialists and we love to dance, have fun and enjoy Yoga & Wellbeing. Presentations, Incursions & Workshops in a range of topics at the forefront of Social & Emotional Intelligence, Inclusion, Diversity & Culture.

Company History

Christine Sully (previously of Incursions R Us) is a Mental Health Practitioner, SEL Specialist and Self Regulation Champion (Prof. Stuart Shanker). Christine is also a professional Yoga & Dance Teacher. She brings all of her skills together to bring quality and never forgotten presentations, incursions and workshops.

Further information

Available for Presentations on Mental Health, SEL, Culture, Diversity & Inclusion and Wellbeing Therapies such as Yoga, Dance, Meditation, Mindfulness and Self Regulation